Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.


What is whistleblowing and who is a whistleblower?
Whistleblowing is a tool that allows employees or third parties identified by the relevant legislation, to confidentially report any wrongdoing encountered in the course of their work.
The whistleblower is the person who identifies an offence in the workplace, during the performance of his or her duties, and decides to report it to the company or body to which he or she belongs or to an authority that can effectively act on it.
The whistleblower is protected by the relevant legislation. For more information, we recommend that you read the 'whistleblowing legislation', available on the Internet. You can find some useful links on this page.

How can I submit a report?
The system provides two ways:

  • Registered user: you create an account through which you access your reports with a username and password (chosen by you). In this case your identity is available to the responsible recipient, but is separate from the report and hidden.
  • Non-registered user: create the report and access it using the codes issued by the system. Keep the code and password carefully, as you will no longer have access to your report if they are lost. If you have given your name and surname, your identity will remain hidden but only accessible to the recipient of the report. If you prefer to remain anonymous, if this has been provided for, do not give any references that could be traced back to your identity. If you attach files, remember to check that they do not contain references to your identity, even within the metadata. You will be able to communicate your identity later via the message area.

By whom and how is my report handled?
The report is handled by a Whistleblowing Officer, or possibly other persons appointed by him/her, i.e. employees. For further details, please read the Whistleblowing Policy.

How can I check the progress of my report?
If you are a REGISTERED user or have entered your email address as a NON-REGISTERED USER, you will receive an email notification in case the manager wants to ask you for further information or clarification. If you do not receive notifications, please also check your spam box. In any case, we advise you to periodically access your report to check directly if you have any requests or simply to consult the processing status. Please note, for confidentiality reasons, it is not possible to use a company e-mail address or to access the platform via company networks.

How can I supplement my report?
After you have sent your report, you can supplement it by accessing the report itself and entering a message in the 'messages' area.

What facts or acts can I report?
Whistleblowing does not cover complaints of a personal nature of the whistleblower.
Within the whistleblowing form you will find a list of topics, please use one of these. For further details you can consult the Whistleblowing Policy.

Who can see my identity?
Whistleblowing and the identity of the Whistleblower are highly confidential, which is why the software hides the identity of the Whistleblower. Access to the whistleblower's identity is only granted to the whistleblower, via a security procedure, which records access to the identity, with a request for the reason. In the event that the person responsible has seen your identity, you will be informed by the platform by means of a warning. The system does not use log systems to trace the identity of the person submitting a report.